Re-open a Closed Tab: Sometimes while using the internet, this happened that the tab got closed accidentally. You can bring back the closed tab by using the Ctrl+Shift+T
Undo Anywhere: Sometimes you have deleted any important file or have deleted a few words in the doc file, you can use Ctrl+Z to recover the file and words. This short cut key works almost everywhere.
Closing a Current Window or Program: When you want to close an open window or program you can do so by using Alt+F4
Closing a Single Tab: While using Chrome and Firefox internet browser if you want to close the current tab you can use Ctrl+W on PC to do so.
Open the CMD prompt Directly: If you want to use CMD (Command prompt) directly on your PC you can type ‘cmd’ in File Explorer address bar and the CMD will open directly.
Launch Task Manager: To launch the task manager directly you can use Ctrl+Shift+Esc
Switch between Windows: While working you might need to jump from one window to another window you can use Alt+Tab
Minimize / Maximise All Windows: You can use windows key+D to minimize all windows and vice-versa.
Jump to Address Bar: Sometimes you want to jump to the address bar of the browser directly. You can use Alt+D
Switch between Tabs: If you want to navigate from one tab to another you can use Ctrl+Tab and move forward from one tab to another. Similarly, if you want to navigate from one tab to another backward you can use Ctrl+Shift+Tab.
Open Private Window: You can use Ctrl+Shift+T to open a new private window.
Increase and Decrease Text Size: You can change your font size bigger and smaller by using Ctrl+ or + and Ctrl+ or-, and Ctrl+0 will reset the text size in the current window.
Refresh the Current Page: You can use Ctrl+R or the F5 button to refresh the current page.